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Price per song : Instant Download : CD/Mini Disc/USB Stick £3.50 a song
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  • Postage and packing on CD UK 1.89

  • Postage and packing on Mini Disc UK 5.70

  • Postage and packing on USB Stick UK 5.00

    (prices in pounds sterling)

    Low Prices for Immediate MP3 Download or delivery on
    CD/Mini Disc/USB stick

    Buy 1 or 2 tracks and pay the normal price of £3.50 per song*
    Buy 3 or 4 tracks to get 20% discount.
    Buy 5 up to 9 tracks to get 30% discount.
    Buy 10 plus tracks to get 40% discount.

    * Medleys are priced individually but still count as tracks for discount purposes.

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    MP3 Download or delivery on CD/Mini Disc/USB stick 1/2 tracks £3.50 per song
    3/4 tracks 20% discount.
    5/9 tracks 30% discount.
    10 plus tracks 40% discount.