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Results: 11 | Page: 1 of 1 | Results x page: 20
 Backing Vocals Included (BVI)                                            
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(click song title to see more info)
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father  Female  Eb/F 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father  Male  Bb/C 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father  Male  Ab/Bb 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father  Male  G/A 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father  Male  F/G 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father (Produced By Steve Shadforth)  Male  Bb/C 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross Dance With My Father (Produced By Steve Shadforth)  Male  Ab/Bb 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross So Amazing  Male  B/Db 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross So Amazing  Male  A/B 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross So Amazing  Male  G/A 3.50.- ADD
Luther Van Dross So Amazing  Female  D/E 3.50.- ADD

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